Monday, September 20, 2010

Antique French children's book and digital distractions for kids

I have been looking for digital resources that I am comfortable allowing my boys to use.  More and more I am souring to the various mind-numbing activities that are so pervasive for kids today.  I am thinking (sssh, don't tell my kids!) about nixing their DS's altogether.  They really enjoy them and we have been mostly successful at keeping their use monitored and to a minimum but I am getting kinda sick of how they occupy my kids' thoughts and attention even when they are not using them.

While researching this subject I came across something that I think is pretty awesome.  It is Children's Books Online, which I gather is simply a collection of antique, illustrated books online.  You can view some of it or purchase a digital version of it.

I am loving the illustrations of this particular book, Nursery Friends From France.  Super sweet and beautiful!

Please, share your thoughts about what you have found to be digitally good/not-good for kids.  I would love to hear what other parents are figuring out too.  Would you ever give your kid a Kindle?

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Nienie's Family Photo

Nienie inspires us all regularly.  What an amazing woman!  I just had to post this picture today of her beautiful family, taken by the amazing Wendy.  It is a super happy picture and I just adore it!

I don't know these people well but I feel a little claim to them nonetheless.  I had a crush on "Mr. Nielson" in the fourth grade.  I remember that one day I decided to tell him.  I laugh remembering his total deer-in-the-headlights, what-are-you-even-talking-about face at my silly little confession.  And Wendy lived in my same building our freshman year at BYU.  I remember her being refreshingly sweet and funny and gorgeous to boot!  Love that red hair!
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