Monday, March 1, 2010

US Olympic Snowboard Team - Coolest outfit award!

Growing up in Colorado must be to blame for my lingering and intense devotion to snowboarder fashion.  You've probably seen the US team sporting these in Vancouver but I had to feature them.  I would give a whole lot to own one!  
I mean WOW!  Burton hooked it UP this year!  Love the plaid and I ADORE those faux denim snow pants!  NEED.

I have a sneaking hunch that some people probably hate this outfit.  And that makes me love it all the more.  :D

What's your vote?

Here are a few more that I love.  If you are remotely interested in super awesome cold weather duds, you must also check out Torah Bright's Roxy line.  Torah, you are amazing.  


Stacey said...

I LOVED their team gear! I thought for a second "I can't believe he is wearing jeans - how Colorado!" Of course realizing the reality of the situation - but how cool is plaid with jeans?! Love your cute blog!

McKenzie said...

Love Torahs navy blue peacoat style jacket! annnnddd you + plaid + the 90's = a love for colorado/snowboarding/awesomeness of which i think is narley.

i thought these outfits were awesome! i think they need some smashing pumpkins t-shirts underneath, hmmmm?

Stacey H said...

OK Kenz. That would be too much hotness. I would die. Such a happy way to go.

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