Here are some of the many excuses that go through my head everyday for not wanting to get out and train for the Half-Marathon...
1. I can feel my baby-belly fat moving when I run.
2. Mother once told me that too much running could make your uterus fall out.
3. Someone will see my gimpy running gait.
4. I just ate and I don't wanna puke.
5. I stayed up too late last night watching Netflix movies.
6. Its too hard to arrange for the kids to be cared for while I run.
7. I used to think I might have asthma.
8. If I do run the Half, I will get into shape and then I will no longer have an excuse not to buy the Imogene and Willie jeans I want. I will have to spend MONEY.
9. I HATE "fitness" music.
10. I fear crazy drivers, stray dogs, and magpies.
11. I always forget sunscreen and my dermatologist told me pasty-whites like me will wrinkle earlier without it.
12. I will wear out my cute new shoes.
13. I am not a runner! I hate running and I can't run! I will fall down! I am a MUSICIAN!
blah blah blah BLAH
Honestly... thanks, Jared, for encouraging me to take a run this morning. It was supremely refreshing and beautiful outside!